The PEOPLE have WON the battle!
Congratulations and thanks to all who worked so hard to make ESCC see sense

Although the battle is over this website is left online as a reminder of what can be done when our "Dear Leaders" go off the rails.
Maybe one day the North Koreans and others living under similar rule will be able to protest as we can without the risk of death or imprisonment.
Don't take freedom for granted

Your Council is 'Dumping on Sussex' and it Stinks !

We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong we may begin to use it with love and respect. AldoLeopold

Your Countryside needs YOU

I make no apologies that this page is rather strident and brash. Look deeper into the site and there are all the facts and detail you need.

Privileged as we are to live in this part of the Low Weald we owe it to the generation upon generation of Sussex men who looked after this land before us to Stand up and Fight with Every means at our disposal the planned despoilation of the heart of the East Sussex countryside.

Betrayed by those we elected to govern us, and by their officials, we must forever be on our guard that never again is The Low Weald treated as a dumping ground for one and every sort of undesirable 'development'

Do not sit back in your comfortable home thinking 'someone else will object so I won't bother' . YOU must, and you must ensure your neighbours do so, and your neighbours neighbours.

So no tip will be near you? You live in Eastbourne, or Lewes, or Brighton, or posh Hove? Maybe so, but it is YOUR rubbish. YOU must object. It is YOUR Planet Earth, YOU must join the fight.

The East Sussex LTP2 Vision is
"to make East Sussex a thriving County where every resident enjoys an enhanced quality of life, safer and healthier communities, and a cleaner environment that is valued, protected and improved for future generations". (Unless you live on the Low Weald)



Welcome to the 'No Landraise' website, created to raise awareness of and encourage support for our fight against ESCC's plan to build rubbish mountains ANYWHERE on the delicate Low Weald countryside.

These waste mountains would stand witness, for all time, to the short-sightedness of our council.

Read in James's Blog the extraordinary ignorant and contemptuous reply by Cllr Peter Jones, leader of the council, to an email asking awkward questions about the performance of the ESCC chief executive who has presided over these offensive landraise proposals. Our elected representatives should be looking after our interests, and not be over cosy with their council officers. County Hall is NOT a private club.

Congratulations to the people of Thakeham in West Sussex for the success of their battle with Cory Environmental.
This demonstrates that East Sussex proposals are undeliverable and therefore must be thrown out as unsound as Veolia would be forced to backdown if they apply for planning permission on a greenfield site, just as Cory have. No commercial company would base their plans for the future on the long, expensive, and ultimately probably failed, application for planning permission on any of our greenfield sites.

What Next?

From Cllr Lock: Before the content of the Proposed Submission document is decided upon, it is expected that further dialogue with communities regarding land disposal will be needed. A document will be prepared which includes a co-ordinated response to all of the representations received - this is expected to be in early Summer.

We in Sussex want our Council to be a leader in waste reduction and management; not just to be attempting to reach central government's feeble targets but to aim to be amongst the best in the EU. If their present consutants are unable to come up with a plan for the 21st Century then they must be sacked and more forward thinking experts brought in. No more time must be wasted by progressing with the present 'strategy'.
Latest from Norman Baker, M.P. East Sussex County Council must be brought out of the dark ages, local MP tells Commons
Latest from Charles Hendry, M.P., link to full article " the sites have been identified without any initial geological work, any assessment of local biodiversity issues or even with the consent of the people who own the land. Some sites could be ruled out on a very basic assessment, but nevertheless the anxiety and blight has still been created. It has been completely unacceptable to proceed in this manner"

RESPONSES from various Bodies

The Sussex Wildlife Trust Response to Consultation. Yet another respected objection indicating that the Waste Strategy is a complete shambles - running contrary to almost every guideline possible.

A Laughton group commissioned a report on the site at Halland/East Hoathly.
The Waste Problem Report Jan 20101.pdf

Deanland Wood Park lawyers look at the Broomham Farm site
Deanland Comments on Core Strategy Jan 091.pdf

CPRE Sussex say NONE of proposed Areas of Search will yield an acceptable waste disposal site. CPRE's 50 page response to consultation.

Environment Agency Report (extract from email:I would like to reassure you that we will not be supporting any site that would result in a detrimental impact on the environment and the Councils' are aware of this position)

Chiddingly Parish Council report

Piltdown report

Hailsham Meeting Saturday 23rd Jan. BE ANGRY! BE PASSIONATE! but above all BE THERE! and you were, standing room only, with over 50 unable to get into the hall. Thank You! For report visit James's Blog.

ESCC, having tied us into a £1b contract with Veolia, until now have capped more recycling credits so more can be burnt! Brilliant! What a total shambles. And they call this a 'Strategy'? There are many questions to be asked about this contract and as taxpayers and electorate we have a right to answers. Read James's Blog
New research commissioned by Defra has found that banning some materials from landfill may mean that as little as 1 per cent of waste ends up in landfill. Let's get less talk and more action from ESCC.
ESCC washes its hands of any future pollution problem! In response to a query they say: " the Environment Agency will ensure that pollution caused by leachate will not result from the operation of a landfill site. Indeed the Environment Agency is responsible for assessing proposals intended to ensure that this will not happen." This runs contrary to every study, all of which have shown that liners do and always will fail. Indeed even this EA Guidance mentions" the long-term degradation of artificial sealing layers and management control systems"
Goodbye Cheryl ! Cheryl Miller CBE, Chief Executive of ESCC, announces her retirement. A former Member of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, Ms Miller's enduring legacy to the county of East Sussex could be land raise rubbish dumps all over the Low Weald - what a truly oustanding career finale!
Cheryl says: "we have honed our own skills to spin and fudge and manipulate," (from a 2004 speech, admittedly taken out of context but could be true!)MPs criticise 'vague' plans to reduce business waste. 80% of waste is commercial, not municipal.

Read all these in James's Blog, and more:
--What investigation & assessment has ESCC made in the last 10 years into 'zero waste solutions.
--The objections 10 years ago had sufficient merit to stop Land Raise sites so what has changed.
--ESCC has come up with the most backward and High Carbon Emission plan possible!

If Germany can almost Zero Landfill, just 5 years from passing laws they are down to 1% landfill, why can't we? The UK is close to the very worst in the EU. We are lagging way behind, again. Latest from DEFRA on Landfill. This new guidance on implementing the EU Landfill Directive has serious implications on the economics of landraise. Landfill is no longer the cheap option, and could be banned totally before these sites are half full.A change in attitude is needed. Rubbish must not be regarded as Waste, but as a useable and valuable asset. Given the will, the legislation, and the correct economic framework, this can be done.

Do you want your local countryside looking like this?

From The Policy Exchange, A Wasted Opportunity :The UK is doing a poor job of dealing with its waste compared to similar European countries. The UK is much more reliant on landfill, the most environmentally damaging way to deal with waste, than even Italy and France. Most unimpressively, it is even above the average for the EU27, which includes newer members with very high landfill rates. By tonnage we landfill more than any other country in the EU27

. Recycling and incineration with energy recovery both have room to grow in the UK. As well as poor environmental performance, the UK is missing out on the potential value in the waste stream. There has been almost no progress on reducing total waste arising, and little advance in energy recovery.
UK landfills produce 3% of the whole world's carbon emissions!

1st Stage consultation now over, but continue to email cllrs. and let them know your views.

Extract from email from Cllr Lock explains next stage:
The next stage was to prepare and consult on a 'Proposed Submission' strategy in February 2010. As a result of the extensions to the recent consultation period and the number and content of the representations received this deadline has been missed. A revised programme will be prepared once we have a better idea of how much additional work is needed and it is hoped that this will be available early this Summer. Before the content of the Proposed Submission document is decided upon, it is expected that further dialogue with communities regarding land disposal will be needed. A document will be prepared which includes a co-ordinated response to all of the representations received - this is also expected to be in early Summer.

The council website for the application is here.All documents can be viewed at Make your views and comments known to your cllrs.
Ian Blake Transport & Environment Dept East Sussex County Council Freepost (LW43) Lewes BN7 1BR
Councillor Geoffrey Theobald, OBE Cabinet Member for the Environment Brighton & Hove City Council Correspondence to: c/o Kings House, Grand Avenue, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 2LS
Councillor Matthew Lock
Lead Member for Transport and Environment East Sussex County Council Correspondence to: 27 Burry Road St Leonards-on-Sea East Sussex, TN37 6QY
Councillor Rupert Simmons Chairman East Sussex County Council Freepost (LW43) Lewes BN7 1BR
Councillor Peter Jones Leader East Sussex County Council Freepost (LW43) Lewes BN7 1BR

Cheryl Miller, Chief Executive ESCC email

The local and national newspapers and The Secretary of State

Letters can also be faxed: 01273 479040 or emailed:

A sample of earlier obection letters

since 15Dec2009 visitors


This site is not aligned with any particular pressure group or parish, but hopes to be a source of info for all.
Webmaster Nick Coleman Mill Farm Golden Cross

I would like to thank all of you who have helped this campaign. Especial thanks to Cllrs. Nick Bennett and Barby Dashwood-Hall for their tireless support, and MP's Baker & Hendry. If there is the slightest chance of it going ahead in its present form we will continue the fight at all and every stage and by every means possible. Let's hope this is not necessary. Please continue to let other cllrs. know our views.

Chiddingly Parish Council's reply to the consultation document.

Piltdown's excellent reply to consultation

Now let us hope ESCC take note of the points raised.

Chiddingly, Chalvington w Ripe, Laughton, East Hoathly, Hellingly, Selmeston, Fletching, Ringmer, Arlington, Hailsham, Newick, Chailey


Join the Campaign to Protect Rural England
The Sussex CPRE

The Vale of Sussex Society

Campaign Sites
(Residents of East Sussex Against Landraise)
Ch. w Ripe Local Action Group
No To Landraise
It is essential to continue to fight the entire strategy and call for a complete re-think.












Website Sponsored by
Coleman Contractors
Farm & Estate Water
Supplies, Pipe Renewal,
Water Troughs,
Drainage Treatment

another campaign, attempting to get action from the ESCC to maintain our bridleways,
The Low Weald
Bridleway Action Group